Why Electric Surface Heating?
Any one of several alternative methods may be used
to provide the heat source required .
Traditionally, steam has been
extensively used as a trace heating medium, although it is widely recognised now
that the overall cost and efficiency of steam heated systems compares
unfavourably with electric heating.
A recent study carried out by a well
known United Kingdom firm of energy consultants looked closely at the costs
incurred in trace heating various sizes of pipework carrying various types of
product.They concluded that the installed cost of a steam heated system can be
between 42% and 110% more than an equivalent electric
Additionally, although the unit cost of electricity may be
several times the unit cost of steam equivalent, total annual energy cost for an
electrical system can be significantly cheaper than steam. This is due mainly to
heat losses from the steam distribution system, the condensate return system and
from steam traps.
If energy consumption and maintenance costs are
combined to arrive at a full annual operating figure, total operating costs for
electricity can be anywhere between 25% and 70% less than the equivalent steam
heated system. The reason for installing a steam heated trace heating system is
often attributed to the fact that there may be a surplus steam available on the
plant and that the cost of steam is "free". Clearly, this is not a valid reason
in energy conservation and costing terms, as all steam production has to be paid
for at some stage.
Other disadvantages steam heating include :-
-- poor temperature control resulting in overheated or underheated pipes
or contents.
-- poor reliability of the steam system.
-- excessive
energy consumption due to heat losses from the distribution system, steam
traps and condensate return system.
-- excessive maintenance
-- high installation costs.
Electric systems produce heat
only at the point of application, can be controlled to within fine temperature
limits, are less costly to install and operate, require little or no
maintenance, produce heat only when it is needed and where it is needed and
offer an extremely high degree of reliability.
What is Surface Heating | Why Surface Heating | Types of Surface Heating
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